Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Holy #$@ I've done it now......

I ordered a chicken coop! I know, I know, my sister will think I'm an idiot for buying one instead of making it, and my mother will think I'm an idiot, period. But I did a lot of research and this one is honestly cheaper than I could actually make it for myself. Plus it comes with the run and nest box.

Next comes ordering some actual chicks! There are some feed stores around Los Angeles that sell them, but after doing a lot of research, I have a specific breed in mind, and the feed stores never know what they'll have in stock. It's pretty much a crapshoot.

There's also the question of where to send them. If I have them sent to work, I can be sure of being here to receive them. I'll also delight the HECK out of my co-workers. On the other hand, the building security people might give the mailman a hard time.

I'm a bit nervous but excited, thanks to all the great help I got from other backyard chicken keepers on the forums at


nickoletta100 said...

OMG!!! You are crazy!! j/k! This should make for great blog posts!

MKM said...

Huzzah! Congratulations! Your dog will be delighted! Be sure to read up on how to take care of chicks too - will you need a heat lamp for the first few months? (Hey, remember the egg I brought home and put in your bathroom?!).

Very nice little henhouse!

Unknown said...


Leslie said...

OMG! Chickies!!! you are one brave chicky yourself!