It's been a long time since I posted! That's because there hasn't been much going on in the garden. This is usually a transitional time of year; from the long, slow pleasures of the hot summer garden to the (usually) short but sweet fall garden. A few weeks ago I planted all my seeds, some in little flats and some directly into the raised beds. I watered them all carefully and then just left them to do their thing.
Unfortunately, the Santa Ana's hit, in a big way and along with the devastating fires. While we were fortunately not in harm's way, the unusually warm weather has delayed the germination of many of my seeds, including almost all of the ones in the little flats. Fortunately, the plants in the raised beds are doing better, and I now have the almost 2-inch high beginnings of broccoli, carrots and cilantro. The lettuces have been much slower (owing to the unusual heat, no doubt) but I am still hopeful that at least a couple of varieties will make an appearance. I'll post photos soon.
The chickens continue to get small upgrades as well. I decided I don't like the nesting box that came with the henhouse I bought, so I built a new nest box that I'll attempt to mount to the outside of the hen house. This will give them more room inside, as well as a more private place to lay, once they are ready. They still have about 6 weeks to go I think.
I have to say though, looking at some of the photos of coops posted on, I have SERIOUS coop envy. I really need to get some power tools. *sigh*